Monday, November 7, 2011

New Beginnings

Last weekend Jerry & I took the train to PDX, OR.  It was sooooooooooooooo relaxing, we both think traveling by train is the best!

While we were in PDX I took him to my favorite book store; Powell's in Burnside.  Wish I had as much time as I want to read as much as I want.  Anyway, the first section I go to is almost always the garden section (I really did get to any other section this visit), but I did find a GREAT book that I am hoping will help me out just a bit to stay more focused on blogging.  the book is 365 Days Of Gardening by Christine Allison. There are great quotes, home remedies, recipes, and helpful hints for the garden/gardener. Can't wait to start sharing the information with you.

Our first quote is "Those new to gardening should know, however, that most gardeners hate to part with dirt, clay pots, pickle jars, really good labels, stakes, tarred twine, and any kind of wooden box.  They do not mind give a plant that sells for $40.00 if they an extra one, but the other stuff (which may be worth a dime) it tears the heart  to part with.   -Henry Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Love the new wood fence background! It's perfect for your blog!
